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Version: 1.20.0


Download the plugin

The Omniscient file (.omni) allows you to quickly import the camera and scan into Unity, using all the correct settings for a seamless experience. To use it, you'll need to download the Omniscient plugin first.

Omniscient Plugin

The plugin is optional and is designed to simplify the usage of outputs from the app.


  1. Unzip the Omniscient_Unity file.
  2. Open Unity and go to Window > Package Manager.
  3. Click the + icon and select Install package from disk....
  4. Select the package.json file from the unzipped Omniscient_Unity folder.

Unity Plugin Install Tutorial


When exporting a shot from Omniscient, make sure to select the Unity button in the Third Party options.

Then, in Unity, you have 2 different options to import shots from Omniscient:

  • AssetsImport .omni File.
  • HierarchyAddOmniscient Importer.

Unity Import Tutorial

It will open a window to choose a file; select the .omni file to import.

And that's it! Everything is set up for you.


How can I play the video in Unity?

Currently, the video will only play in Game Mode. To view the video, you need to run the game.

We'd like to make it work with the timeline in the scene, but we haven't found a solution to make it work properly yet.

Does the 3D scan include textures on the mesh?

If you are using our app for scanning rooms or objects, you might notice that the resulting 3D mesh does not include textures.

At present, our app generates a 3D mesh but does not provide textures with the scans.

This is something we are planning to include in a future update.