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Version: 1.16.8

Best Practices

Avoid Recording While Your Device is Hot

Using the app on a hot device can decrease tracking quality and lead to frequent frame drops. Here are some suggestions to mitigate these issues:

  • Don't charge your device while using the app.
  • Allow your device to cool down before using the app after charging it.
  • Keep your device out of hot environments or direct sunlight.

If you're recording at 60 frames per second (FPS) and your device overheats, the FPS might drop to 30 until the device cools down.

Clean Lenses and LiDAR Sensor

To ensure optimal performance, clean your lenses.

If your device supports LiDAR, clean the LiDAR sensor.

A clean LiDAR and lenses are crucial for maintaining high tracking quality.

Avoid Very Fast Movements

Rapid movements can challenge the app's tracking capabilities. To minimize the risk of tracking loss, try to avoid making very fast movements.

Avoid 360-degree Turn

Making a complete 360-degree turn can sometimes cause tracking issues. While the app can handle such movements, it might result in an offset in the tracking results.

Avoid Dark Environments

Working in poorly lit or dark environments can pose challenges for the app's tracking and performance capabilities. It's recommended to ensure adequate lighting in the scene for the best results.